Having been in this business since 1996, we have seen all kinds of dents and the accompanying stories that go with them. Early on, Dents By Hand earned a reputation for being able to fix large dents that other companies had either turned down or determined could not be fixed. Personally, I would often take it as a direct challenge when a dealership told me something like this. It was an opportunity to earn an account or to help save a deal on a sold car if I could fix the dent.

As I threw myself into this, I learned how the energy of the impact traveled through the metal and was affected by items like the door beams and body lines, figuring out along the way how to unlock the stress in those areas. The outer part of a car is much like a skin. When an impact occurs, that energy travels along the panel and becomes locked in areas of resistance, which can cause a distortion. It was not a matter of pushing harder; it was a matter of pushing smarter and reading the metal.

When I started 25 years ago, I’d often use various methods to tackle these larger dents, such as glue pulling along with PDR and extensive hammer and tap-down work to relax the metal back into place.

These days advanced techniques and tools have come into play, including electro-magnetic induction tools and Power PDR Boxes. These technologies allow us to repair severe damage while providing an edge when it comes to performing complex repairs.

Take advantage of our next day booking to restore your vehicle today!